Who is winning the battle for data?
Data has surpassed oil in value. Data is a commodity that is harvested, sold and re-sold and fiercely guarded by all parts of the creative value chain. This seminar will explore the commercial, legal and political issues around data.
This seminar will take place in London, Winter 2020.
Who is winning the battle for data?
Data has surpassed oil in value. Data is a commodity that is harvested, sold and re-sold and fiercely guarded by all parts of the creative value chain. This seminar will explore the commercial, legal and political issues around data.
This seminar will take place in London, Winter 2020.
+44 207 754 3664

Tanya Aplin
Tanya Aplin is a Professor of Intellectual Property Law at the Dickson Poon School of Law, King’s College London. She is also Vice-Dean for Research in the Law School, Director of the Postgraduate Diploma in UK, EU and US Copyright Law and Director of the LLM in Intellectual Property and Information Law.
Her publications include: Copyright law in the digital society: the challenges of multimedia (Hart, 2005), Intellectual Property: Patents, Copyright, Trade Marks and Allied Rights 7th, 8th and 9th eds (Sweet & Maxwell, 2010, 2013, 2019) (with Prof. Cornish and Prof. Llewelyn), Intellectual Property Law: Text, Cases and Materials 1st, 2nd and 3rd eds (OUP, 2009, 2013, 2016) (with Dr Davis), and Gurry on Breach of Confidence: The Protection of Confidential Information (OUP, 2012) (with Prof. Bently, Dr Johnson and Mr Malynicz).
She teaches courses on comparative copyright law and EU and UK patent and trade secrets law.